Sandi Elniwairi

Dental Hygienist​

Sandi Elniwairi is a Registered Dental Hygienist from Vancouver, Canada. Sandi received her Hygiene Degree with honors from Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene.

After graduating, Sandi embarked on a journey in pursuing her hygiene career. She always dedicated herself and her efforts and remained working at the same clinics for long because she believes in building long and continuous relationships with her patients.

With over 7 years of experience, Sandi’s passion for hygiene has not diminished. Sandi’s love for hygiene extends far beyond the clinic, she is a member of both the BCDHA and the Canadian Dental Association, as well as various study clubs.

Outside of the private practice, Sandi dedicated her time volunteering hygiene services to those without access to dental care in both the Greater Vancouver area, and abroad. Sandi has completed a two-week dental mission providingdental care to those on the outskirts of Lima, Peru. Sandi shares that one of the things that affected her most in her hygiene career was the ability to reach and connect with those underprivileged people during her missions despite the language barrier.

Sandi’s motto is ‘Education is Prevention’ that is why a lot of Sandi’s time is still being spent volunteering with Mental Health Organizations, Special Needs programs, Children’s Schools, and Assisted Care Homes.

Sandi’s experience and dedication to hygiene allow her to constantly provide high quality, and exceptional work while still being able to navigate through any personal, or dental anxiety related concerns her patients may have.

In her spare time Sandi loves hiking, working out, and travelling.

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Centro Capital Center – Business Tower – 7th Floor
Near Abu Dhabi Exhibition Center
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