What is a Root Canal Treatment?

When a tooth dies with/without pain due to decay, trauma or age, an infection can present in the tooth, gums, and jaw bone. Harmful bacteria can leak out and cause infection to increase. Root canal treatment removes the dead tissue and bacteria from within the tooth, leaving the tooth and the jaw healthy.

What to expect from root canal treatment?

Steps of root canal procedure include;



Root Canal Diagnosis

Determining the extent of tooth decay and salvageability of the tooth are essential to the next steps in Endodontic procedures.

Root Canal Treatment / Retreatment

In situations when the nerve is infected, success of root canal treatment lets you keep a tooth, rather than extracting it.

Adding a Crown or Filling

A tooth with no pulp must receive its nourishment from the ligament that attaches the tooth to the bone. A crown or filling offers protection.

Goals of A Root Canal Treatment

The root canal or endodontic treatment is used to repair and, in turn, save an infected and/or decayed tooth or teeth.

Relief of pain from dying nerve tissue or abscess​

Conservative access and disinfection of the root system

Prevent further infection by effectively sealing the root system

Faciliate long term restoration

**Just because it doesn’t hurt, doesn’t always mean it was done properly.

Are you experiencing any type of tooth pain or discomfort?

Reach out to us for a diagnosis, and save your tooth!

No Referral Necessary

Get in Touch
E: info@icdexcell.com
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