Experience the Unseen Revolution of Dental Aesthetics: Lingual Braces in Abu Dhabi

Are you looking to straighten your smile without anyone noticing it? Look no further than our exceptional lingual braces, the secret weapon for achieving straight teeth while keeping your orthodontic journey hidden. The innovative design of lingual braces has made them increasingly popular among adults and teenagers. The these braces will let you have a better smile and reduce your self-consciousness. They are nearly invisible, giving you a more casual and confident look.

At ICDE, we understand the importance of providing personalized treatment that caters to your unique bite. With these braces, we have superior control in moving individual teeth precisely. This level of control ensures efficient and effective treatment, leading to shortened treatment times and quicker results. Experience the joy of achieving your dream smile in a shorter timeframe!

Each bracket and wire of the braces are customized to fit your teeth perfectly, ensuring optimal comfort and accuracy throughout your orthodontic journey. Enjoy the freedom of a beautiful smile without compromising your appearance.

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Discover the benefits of lingual braces:
why they're gaining popularity

Many people have found great satisfaction with this discreet orthodontic option. Embrace the comfort and invisibility of lingual braces, which make them a popular choice for orthodontic treatment. A 2016 review of research confirmed the effectiveness of lingual braces in achieving treatment goals.

Let’s explore the additional pros of lingual braces:

  • Enhanced aesthetics: being inconspicuous and requiring close examination to notice, making them a significant advantage for appearance.

  • Better smile outcomes: These braces enable better control over the movement of individual teeth, leading to enhanced precision in orthodontic treatment.

  • Enhanced self-confidence: If you lack confidence and want to improve your teeth’s appearance without being noticeable, these braces are the perfect choice.

  • No cheek or lip irritation: Unlike metal braces, lingual braces ensure a comfortable experience without any irritation to the cheeks or lips.

  • Convenient for athletes and contact sport players: Due to their placement behind the teeth, these braces provide added convenience for athletes and contact sports players by minimizing the risk of braces-related injuries during physical activities.

Even though these braces may not be suitable for everyone, patients with severe overbites may face challenges such as brackets popping off more frequently. To determine the most appropriate treatment option for your specific needs, we recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our experienced orthodontists.

Taking care of your braces

Lingual braces require a similar level of care as metal braces, the same cleaning method applies for both. While it may take a few weeks to adapt to the cleaning routine, once you find your comfort zone and preferred tools, it becomes an instinctive part of your dental care regimen. Embrace the journey and let your smile shine with confidence!

Unlock Your Perfect Smile with Lingual Braces: Beauty in Disguise!

Book a consultation with us today and take the first step towards a more confident you.

Get in Touch
E: info@icdexcell.com
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