Ditch the White Spots, Embrace Confidence: Icon Bonding Has Your Back!

Are you tired of dealing with those pesky white spots on your teeth? We understand how frustrating they can be. But worry no more! Our skilled dentists bring you a revolutionary solution known as Icon treatment.

Gone are the days when treating white spot lesions (WSLs) required invasive procedures. With Icon treatment, you can bid farewell to shots, drilling, and extensive restorations. This innovative technique offers a painless and hassle-free way to eliminate those unsightly lesions. WSLs occur when there’s an imbalance in mineralization and remineralization on your teeth. Some areas of enamel contain higher mineral concentration, resulting in uneven coloration. The white spots are caused by light scattering when it encounters these mineral-deficient areas.

At ICDE, we understand that your smile is precious. That’s why we are proud to provide the most advanced and minimally invasive solutions, like Icon treatment. Say goodbye to white spots and hello to a confident, radiant smile. Visit us today and discover the transformative power of Icon bonding.


How Icon Treatment Works: Correcting WSLs and Enamel Bruising

  • Our skilled dentists utilize micro-abrasion to reveal the tubules of the tooth, followed by the application of an etching material to the tooth multiple times. These procedures guarantee the effective penetration of the resin, responsible for color correction, into the tooth.

  • During the application of a special resin, we ensure that the tooth remains dry. The resin effectively penetrates the lesion and permeates the tooth, establishing a strong bond with its structure.

  • After removing any excess resin, the dentist proceeds to utilize a light source to solidify and harden the remaining portion of the resin within the teeth.

  • To finalize the new look, we perform teeth polishing. Following the treatment, your teeth will exhibit a notably more consistent appearance compared to their initial state.

  • The duration of an Icon treatment typically spans approximately one hour, from start to finish.
Icon Bonding - Dental Abu Dhabi

Experience Icon Bonding: Your Path to Flawless Teeth Starts Here!

Don’t wait any longer to experience the transformative power of Icon bonding. Book your appointment now and embark on a journey towards a smile that will leave a lasting impression. Click below to schedule your visit and let your smile shine like never before. Book appointment!

Get in Touch
E: info@icdexcell.com
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Centro Capital Center – Business Tower – 7th Floor
Near Abu Dhabi Exhibition Center
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